Monday, September 14, 2015

The Crossing - Day 10 - Carpetbaggers

September 14

We woke up and immediately put on our flip-flops and squished around the room. We packed tote bags with everything we might need during the day - books, iPad, keyboard, camera, some warm clothes, chapstick, hand lotion, etc., etc. We called Passenger Services to let them know we were leaving the room and it would now be available for carpet installation. We vacated the room at 8 am, knowing it could be several hours until we would be able to have access. 

I went to the Knitters and Natters group with a tote bag in each hand and told the others about our interesting evening while I worked on my cross-stitch project. Then I grabbed my totebags and Ken grabbed his totebag and we went down to the Piazza to find a place to sit. We had some coffee and then wandered around with our totebags until lunch time, with the occasional stroll past our room to see what was happening. At 10 am there was no sign of carpet installation. A comment was made to one of the staff members who was in the area. At 11 our bed was out on the balcony and our wet carpet had been removed. Fans were blowing to dry out the subflooring. Work was also going on in the 7 other cabins that were affected by the flood.

You can see one of the heavy-duty fans above.

Eventually we carried our totebags into the dining room and ate lunch. There was no place to sit in the Piazza after lunch. We went up to Skywalkers, the designated quiet area, and read for an hour or two. Another check on the room - the carpetlayer was at work. We came back at 3. The new carpet was in, the bed was back where it belonged, freshly made up, everything looked great. Even the heat worked! 

I didn't like being homeless. I didn't like being a bag lady. I was so happy to have a cozy little cabin again!

I reflected on all the things they have to have on the ship "just in case." Who decides what supplies are needed? How do they know? Where do they keep it? How many plumbers does the ship have? How many giant industrial fans do they have? I think it would be a really fun job to be in charge of figuring out what stuff the ship needs to have.

Shanah Tovah! May you have a sweet New Year.

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