Sunday, October 8, 2023

October 7 - Good Things Happen in the Mountains

 We left Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport at 1:35 a.m., or maybe closer to 2:00 a.m. On the way to the Alaska Lounge, I stopped to say hello to “Uncle Ted.”

Our non-stop flight landed at LAX around 7:40 a.m. 


Number of minutes past scheduled departure time that we                   actually left: Approximately 60

    Time zone changes: 1

    Length of flight: 5 hours and 3 minutes

    Hours of sleep: around 1

    Miles flown: 2342

    Bags checked: 3

    Bags received: 3

Arriving at our hotel this morning, we found that our room was not ready. (Didn’t really expect it to be.) No worries. We needed some supplies for our trip. It’s easier to buy them after we fly. We won’t be limited in what we can carry on tomorrow, and we will be able to use up a lot of it before the end of our trip - mostly mundane toiletries such as sunscreen (reef safe), toothpaste, and Lysol Disinfecting Wipes.

We met our friends Brock and Janice at the grocery store where we stocked up, and we headed to a nearby coffee shop to get caught up. 

After a few hours of pumpkin-spice-latte-drinking, we were ready for lunch. At this point it was determined that we must go to In-N-Out Burger because Ken and I had never been to one. It was very crowded at 2:00 pm on a Saturday afternoon, but not impossibly so. We managed to snag a table that had just been vacated and we didn’t have to wait forever for or order, but it certainly wasn’t ready in a jiffy. I was surprised to learn that have only three choices on the menu: burgers, cheeseburgers, or double burgers. Fries are the only side. It was a good burger. The fries were a little mushy. The conversation was ejoyable and interesting.

And THIS appeared on Facebook today:

The wedding/elopement happened very recently, and the happy couple went public today. We knew about it before today, but were requested to keep it under wraps until the announcement had been made by the couple. Yes, it is our son and his lovely bride. We are thrilled!💍🎂

I wasn’t going to continue with my”Today’s Color” feature, but it turns out that it was popular, so I’ll keep it for now, but with a twist. The colors will be represented by swatches of fabric.

Today’s fabric is Spotted Metallic White, by Moda. White and gold represent, to me, the beauty and richness of a long and happy marriage.


  1. Congratulations on a wedding and new daughter! Lovely to be reading of your adventures again!!!

  2. Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov to the lovely couple - and you and Ken.

    CHANGING THE SUBJECT - WHY are you smiling while sitting next to Ted Stevens?? I mean, I know it’s a statue, but still!

    Bob Voyage! Kate

  3. I knew that question was from Kate before I saw the signature — I had the same question! Sorry we couldn’t meet for brunch this morning. Safe travels!


  4. What a wonderful wedding!

  5. How wonderful! Congratulations to all! I’m glad your blog is active again. I look forward to living your adventures vicariously.

  6. Congratulations on the wedding, best wishes for much happiness for you son and his new bride! Happy to see you blogging again and safe travels!
